Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 1 - The Beginning

We did it.  We left.  Getting ready was a big job, maybe bigger than I realized.  We left our house around 1:00 and after running a couple of errands, left Nashville around 2:00, May 17.  Because we left so late in the day, we only drove about 2 1/2 hours to Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park in Gilbertsville, KY (near Paducah).  It was a nice grassy park with a playground close enough for the girls to go play while we watched from our campsite.

We ate our traditional first meal (same one we had our first night of the TX trip) of Pasta Roni with broccoli and chicken.  We are always so hungry on our first night and anything tastes delicious.  Nice showers in the bathhouse!  We toasted a few marshmallows and slept really great.

Have I mentioned this already?  I do not think of myself as a writer.  This blog is purely for informational purposes.  (and a chronicling for our own personal records)  Please don't have high expectations.  Feel free to pass the address along to anyone you think might be interested.  I will post it on Facebook for anyone I forgot to give it to.

So many of you have prayed for us and over us.  Thank you.  It means so much!  Thanks for caring about us and for coming along with us on our journey!  We will be praying for you as you navigate your own.  Happy travels!

(We are heading to MO to see my grandparents).

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