Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 143 (Oct 6) – National Archives/Air and Space Museum

One of my favorite things – the Archives.  Every American should see these three documents.  They are amazing pieces of history.  The rotunda and displays are so simple, yet beautiful and grand.  I learned who signed the Bill of Rights.  There were only four men: John Adams, someone else (sec of state?) and two clerks.  I didn’t say I had a good memory.  But as an Adams’ fan, I thought it was neat that he signed it.  I have forgotten so much since I was here in college.  I know the girls will forget a lot and will need to go back one day, but hopefully the photos will help them remember.  (But we couldn’t take photos in the Archives.)  We quickly walked through the Public Vault, which offers a small sampling of the kinds of things that are stored there – documents, video, photos, artifacts.  I think it helped the girls understand the purpose of the Archives (along with the orientation film we watched).  We got there at 10:30 (opened at 10) and left around 12:30.  I think the security line was much longer then.

The final museum for us was Air and Space.  Jessica and Dixie say it is one of their favorites.  I think I would have liked it better on a Monday.  It was neat, but so-so-so crowded.  It was Saturday, and there were hoards of people like nothing we have seen so far on the trip.  That kind of made it less enjoyable.  Plus, we have seen a lot of the space stuff before – at HSV Space and Rocket Center and the Neil Armstrong Museum in Ohio.  PLUS it was Day 4 and we were getting pretty worn out.  I did like the airplanes.  I’ve always been a little interested in them since my dad worked for Delta for so many years.  There was  a Solar System exhibit that I couldn’t enjoy because I couldn’t move for all the people and strollers, a neat exhibit on the Wright Brothers and early flight and a good one on spy planes.  The girls loved the hands-on How Things Fly exhibit.  There were different displays and experiments explaining lift, drag, pitch and propulsion.

We finished up today at 3:30.  We are physically and mentally pooped.  We needed an early night anyway so we can get up and get to the National Cathedral for church in the morning!

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